U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program USSP - East-West Center

U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program USSP

Sponsored By: East-West Center

Sponsor Type: Non-Profit Organization/Agency/Association

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Program Description: The U.S. South Pacific Scholarship Program USSP, is a competitive, merit-based scholarship program that provides opportunities for academically talented individuals from South Pacific countries to pursue bachelor's or master's degree study at U.S. institutions of higher education in fields that are directly relevant to development needs in the South Pacific Islands region. USSP is also intended to allow participants opportunities to obtain a broader understanding of the United States. The USSP educational exchange experience includes participation in a variety of cultural activities, mentoring, host family and volunteer service programs. This program is funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by the East-West Center.
Host Institution Name: East-West Center
Host City: Honolulu
Host State: Hawaii
Areas of Study:
Agriculture and Related Sciences
Business and Management
Communications and Journalism
Computer Science
Environmental Studies
Political Science
Public Administration
Public Health
Science Technologies
Women's Studies
Levels of Study:
Open to Students from:   Cook Islands
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Award Information
Award Types:
Avg. Award Amount: Varies
Number of Awards: 3
Award Coverage: Tuition and fees at the University of Hawaii university residence hall room costs monthly stipend for meals and incidental expenses health insurance settling in and book allowance round trip airfare.
Award Duration: Varies
Award Deadline: February 1
Award Notification Month: March
Eligibility Requirements
Requirements 1: Bachelor's scholarship: Must have high school diploma at the time of application to apply for bachelor's degree study. Individuals who have completed some undergraduate level courses but have not obtained the equivalent of a U.S. four-year bachelor's degree are also eligible.
Requirements 2: Master's scholarship: Individuals who have completed at least a three-year baccalaureate program may apply for a one-year bridge program leading to master's degree study.
Requirements 3: Must be from one of the sovereign Pacific Island nations, including the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Requirements 4: Preference in the selection process is given to those who have not had recent extensive experience in the U.S. or who have not had extensive opportunities for study at educational institutions outside the Pacific Islands region.
Requirements 5: Must be able to meet the requirements of the Exchange Visitor J-1 visa program.
Application Information
Contact: East-West Center
USSP Scholarship Coordinator
Award Services Office
1601 East West Rd
Honolulu, HI
Phone #: 1 808 944-7738
Fax #: 1 808 944-7730
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Instructions: Apply between August and January at